STP marketing:
It is is, in fact, a 3 step method to formulating a
comprehensive marketing plan. The "S" stands for segmenting the market,
the "T" for targeting the market place and the "P" for positioning of
your product in the minds of customers. Going through this process
enables a marketer or marketing consultants, a business owner or
employees to formulate a marketing strategy that ties company, brand and
product benefits to specific customer market segments. Moreover, it
acts your image in the minds of customers.
Marketing Strategy of Apple and its positioning. You can also review the
positioning strategy of Coca Cola and Thums Up in this video for better
Once you have strategized using the STP process, the next step is to
implement your marketing tasks to achieve intended goals. If you want to
increase brand awareness within an emerging market, you would design
commercials or ads that introduce your brand and develop an image. You
pick media commonly used by that target group. If you are a new outdoor
sports gear retailer, for instance, you would create print, radio, TV,
magazine, Internet or other ads that promote your quality or value to
campers, hunters or outdoor enthusiasts.
Watch the video and enjoy your learning 👌👌👌