Burma has a population 75 million with the Muslim population being just
0.7 million(7 lacks). The Burmese Muslims have been under this atrocity right after
1962 when the Army usurped the power in Burma.But sptill 2012 these incidents kept on happeninh but din't take so much air.
Finally it all started on 3rd June 2012 when 11 innocent Muslims were killed by the Burmese Army and the Buddhist mobs after bringing them down from a bus. A vehement protest was carried out in the Muslim majority province of Arakan, but the Protestants fell victims to the tyranny of the mobs and the army.
Trying to getting escaped from capturing and an imminent on sight killin the helpless Burmese Muslims rushed to the Bangladeshi border, but all they met was a straight refusal. The Government of Bangladesh refused to offer them asylum.
Over 500 Muslim villages have been incinerated and fallen down to ashes till today. Thousands have been brutally exploited. The persecution of the Burmese Muslims at the hands of the Buddhist mobs is at its full swing. Yet all the human rights organizations have maintained a criminal silence up till now. Has the Muslim world become so callous that they remain undeterred by such genocide?
This is not a new thing or an unprecedented massacre. Muslims have been a subject to such hostility even before. If we go through the pages of history we come to the very tenable conclusion that Muslims were always on the suffering side. Islam is a religion of peace and
harmony. It doesn’t allow its followers to lay-waste any other tenet. This leaves behind a big question mark. Why are the followers of such a peaceful religion being oppressed from time to time?
The fear stricken faces of the poor Burmese Muslims really cuts one apart. The glimpse of their bruised bodies is a heart rending spectacle. Where is the UN now? Why isn’t the International media highlighting this issue? Why are the competitive authorities of the
Muslim world procrastinating?
Stop killing the Burmese Muslims. JI did a meritorious job by staging rallies against this brutality. The government of Pakistan should raise a voice in favor of the poor Burmese Muslims at the international forum. The whole Muslim world should join hands to get
the poor Burmese out of their distress and misery.
In addition to launching into a tirade against the killings, something should be done on the ground. If we don’t help out our brothers there then we are equally responsible for their bloodshed. We won’t be able to satisfy our conscience, and the abrasive cries of the Burmese Muslims will keep on pinching us throughout our lives.But still a simply slap of shame for you ms President.
Finally it all started on 3rd June 2012 when 11 innocent Muslims were killed by the Burmese Army and the Buddhist mobs after bringing them down from a bus. A vehement protest was carried out in the Muslim majority province of Arakan, but the Protestants fell victims to the tyranny of the mobs and the army.
Trying to getting escaped from capturing and an imminent on sight killin the helpless Burmese Muslims rushed to the Bangladeshi border, but all they met was a straight refusal. The Government of Bangladesh refused to offer them asylum.
Over 500 Muslim villages have been incinerated and fallen down to ashes till today. Thousands have been brutally exploited. The persecution of the Burmese Muslims at the hands of the Buddhist mobs is at its full swing. Yet all the human rights organizations have maintained a criminal silence up till now. Has the Muslim world become so callous that they remain undeterred by such genocide?
This is not a new thing or an unprecedented massacre. Muslims have been a subject to such hostility even before. If we go through the pages of history we come to the very tenable conclusion that Muslims were always on the suffering side. Islam is a religion of peace and
harmony. It doesn’t allow its followers to lay-waste any other tenet. This leaves behind a big question mark. Why are the followers of such a peaceful religion being oppressed from time to time?
The fear stricken faces of the poor Burmese Muslims really cuts one apart. The glimpse of their bruised bodies is a heart rending spectacle. Where is the UN now? Why isn’t the International media highlighting this issue? Why are the competitive authorities of the
Muslim world procrastinating?
Stop killing the Burmese Muslims. JI did a meritorious job by staging rallies against this brutality. The government of Pakistan should raise a voice in favor of the poor Burmese Muslims at the international forum. The whole Muslim world should join hands to get
the poor Burmese out of their distress and misery.
In addition to launching into a tirade against the killings, something should be done on the ground. If we don’t help out our brothers there then we are equally responsible for their bloodshed. We won’t be able to satisfy our conscience, and the abrasive cries of the Burmese Muslims will keep on pinching us throughout our lives.But still a simply slap of shame for you ms President.
Good job fraz