Respected Readers welcome Back To my Blog with a new social issue under discussion once again......!!!
1st of all I don’t like to Call the phrase or Term Marriage parallel with the term “same Sex Marriage.”I simply advocate that same sex marriage is not a word as the word “Marriage” is. but it could be said as Same Sex union or Same Gender People in a united bond but they do not posses any relation with the Definition of word “Marriage” in any sense.
1st of all I don’t like to Call the phrase or Term Marriage parallel with the term “same Sex Marriage.”I simply advocate that same sex marriage is not a word as the word “Marriage” is. but it could be said as Same Sex union or Same Gender People in a united bond but they do not posses any relation with the Definition of word “Marriage” in any sense.
Following are some arguments being presented after my research showing
the real harms and debacles of this Same Sex Union.
Calling something marriage does not make it marriage. Marriage directly
demands the given pair to reproduce a new generation and fulfils their all
basic needs of fooding,clothing, social support and shelter plus education.
The advocates of same-sex “marriage”always propose an entirely different view.They
simply emphasise on the union of two same gender human beings. This denies the
self-evident biological, physiological, and psychological differences between
men and women which find their complementarity in marriage. It also denies the
specific primary purpose of marriage: the perpetuation of the human race and
the raising of children.
Two entirely different things cannot be
considered the same thing(Marriage Vs Same Sex Union).
2..Openly Defies and Challenges Natural Laws:
I would simply Say that marriage is not a union
of two people its always governed by a Beautiful relationship governed by the
true and universal principles of nature, the nature is highly deep rooted
inside the personality of all human beings irrespective of their gender.
Every natural relationship testifies the mutual
well being and is aimed on doing good as maximum and avoid evil also as maximum
as possible. And its an immutable law also its the simple and universal principal
of nature.
Any relationship of human beings which defy the
purpose of the sexual act violates
natural law and the moral values of the sociey also. So this union of same
sexes is totally against the nature itself.all
the religions on the face of earth either Islam, Christianity, Hinduism,
Judaism, Buddhism or Zoroastrianism speak
against it and use the term Sodomy for this relation instead of Gay-ism or
3.. Injustice With Child:
It is in the child’s best interests that he be
raised under the influence of his natural father and mother.But the situation is quite different here.
Its quite evident that a child of a same-sex “marriage” will always
be deprived of either his natural mother or father. He will necessarily be
raised by one party who has no blood relationship with him. He will always be
deprived of either a mother or a father role model, as same sexes can not
produce the race by its own.
So:Same-sex “marriage” ignores a child’s best interests.
In the name of the “family,” same-sex “marriage”
serves to validate not only such unions but the whole homosexual lifestyle in
all its full swing.
after getting legalized Such evil or so called marriage trends would definitely get a huge hype and showering a catastrophic affect on the society.Simply the legal binding of such trends would give them protection or in other words it would demoralize the real concepts of marriage with its true essence,
after getting legalized Such evil or so called marriage trends would definitely get a huge hype and showering a catastrophic affect on the society.Simply the legal binding of such trends would give them protection or in other words it would demoralize the real concepts of marriage with its true essence,
Mostly the Same sex activists mostly advocate
that the same-sex “marriage” is a civil
rights issue similar to the struggle for racial equality in the 1960s in the West.
This is false.
First of all, sexual behavior and race are
entirely two different natural realities. A man and a woman wanting to marry
may be different in their characteristics: one may be black, the other white;
one rich, the other poor; or one tall, the other short. None of these
differences are insurmountable obstacles to marriage.But Still The two individuals are still man and woman,
and thus the requirements of nature are respected.
Same-sex “marriage” opposes nature. Two
individuals of the same sex, regardless of their race, wealth, stature,
erudition or fame, will never be able to marry because of an insurmountable
biological impossibility.
Secondly, inherited and unchangeable racial
traits cannot be compared with non-genetic and changeable behavior. There is
simply no analogy between the interracial marriage of a man and a woman and the
“marriage” between two individuals of the same sex.
6.. Creation of family Stops here:
Traditional marriage is usually so fecund that
those who would frustrate its end must do violence to nature to prevent the
birth of children by using contraception. It naturally tends to create
On the contrary, same-sex “marriage” is
intrinsically sterile. If the “spouses” want a child, they must circumvent
nature by costly and artificial means or employ surrogates. The natural
tendency of such a union is not to create families.
Therefore, we cannot call a same-sex union
marriage and give it the benefits of true marriage.
7.. It Defeats the State’s Purpose of Benefiting
The main reason that society and state accepts and endorses marriage is that throng this bonding the happy couple amicably brings up the new generation and also helps them in making a productive citizens of the state,but:
Homosexual “marriage” does not provide such
conditions.the onle purpose of such relationship is to satisfy the sexual needs of a pair and hoe can they bring up a new generatin with proper attitude and behaviors.
It ImposesIts Acceptance on All Society
It ImposesIts Acceptance on All Society
By legalizing same-sex “marriage,” the State
becomes its official and active promter.
The gove has to apply and provide all the benefits to these types of couples then.
The gove has to apply and provide all the benefits to these types of couples then.
In every situation where marriage affects
society, the State will expect Christians or any other religion people and all people of good will to betray
their consciences by condoning, through silence or act, an attack on the
natural order and Christian morality.
9.. It Is the Cutting Edge of the Sexual Revolution
In the 1960s, society was pressured to accept
all kinds of immoral sexual relationships between men and women. Today we are
seeing a new sexual revolution where society is being asked to accept sodomy
and same-sex “marriage.”If homosexual “marriage” is universally accepted
as the present step in sexual “freedom,” what logical arguments can be used to
stop the next steps of incest, pedophilia, bestiality, and other forms of
unnatural behavior? Indeed, radical elements of certain “avant garde”
subcultures are already advocating such aberrations.
10.. It Offends God
This is the most important Reason as for as for as i am
I believe whenever any human disturbs or disrupts the moral and natural principles set by our creator Himself, definitely human race becomes the victim of wrath and anger by the Creator. No matter whether some 1 is follower of Monotheism(Muslims)
or Christianity and knows his religion and religious scriptures, he can testify that the stated concept of marriage has no space in any religion.
I believe whenever any human disturbs or disrupts the moral and natural principles set by our creator Himself, definitely human race becomes the victim of wrath and anger by the Creator. No matter whether some 1 is follower of Monotheism(Muslims)
or Christianity and knows his religion and religious scriptures, he can testify that the stated concept of marriage has no space in any religion.
For Muslims:
Here is a verse from the holly Quran:
Here is a verse from the holly Quran:
We also (sent) Lut: he said to his
people: "Do ye commit lewdness such as no people in creation (ever)
committed before you? "For ye practice your lusts on men in preference to
women: ye are indeed a people transgressing beyond bounds." - Holy Quran
For Christians:
Here is a verse:
Genesis also teaches how God punished Sodom and Gomorrah for the sin of homosexuality: “The Lord rained down sulphurous fire upon Sodom and Gomorrah. He overthrew those cities and the whole Plain, together with the inhabitants of the cities and the produce of the soil.” (Gen. 19:24-25)
Here is a verse:
Genesis also teaches how God punished Sodom and Gomorrah for the sin of homosexuality: “The Lord rained down sulphurous fire upon Sodom and Gomorrah. He overthrew those cities and the whole Plain, together with the inhabitants of the cities and the produce of the soil.” (Gen. 19:24-25)
Respected Readers: I will further Put in black & White the speific Biological(Medical), Psychological, Behavioral, Social, and Physical Harms of This same Sex Marriage in coming couple of days.You are supposed to read and share for the cause of good of your family and society as a whole.
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