Welcome readers,
I was thinking from the past many days to write for a topic
that could address the mental and moral health of children but I could not find
some suitable and important issue to write about.
But few days back I happened to watch some news regarding
the mutual suicide of teen agers and my
heart got trembled to know that the wrong use of social media actually led those teen agers to
commit that act. After that I decided to write put forward my part and I
selected the issue of wrong use of social media as its really proving havoc for
our new generations in different ways.
As we know and psychology tells us that all the habits that
a child adopts that are piped lined from some other source child does not learn
to perform some thing by its own. he or she learns it from his parents , his
peers, school, surrounding environment, locality or from the media or TV channels.
so what a child behaves in himself are actually the intake of his learning from
others. Parents mostly teaches their children the values and behaviors of life
and then children behave accordingly. most of the practices of life of child
are directly learnt from the parents as they have sufficient control on his
life during his childhood.
Recently in Pakistan a teen age school boy shot himself and
his female suspected lover with gun and it gave birth to a mutual suicide.
their face book status also showed the matter in quite transparent manner. When
I remember about the suicide committed by the two early teen agers in Pakistan
then a big question mark arises on the responsibility of their parents firsly
and secondly on the social media and its vulnerable material and open usage. As
I discussed earlier that a child can not learn how to shot a gun or how to
commit suicide by its own. why that person updated his suspicious status on F.B
a night before he committed suicide? Was that staus so important for the teenager?
we all actually know the answer but still we do not bother to think about this
So it’s an alarming incident for all the parents to keep a
sharp eye on the activities of their children specially their habits of using
Face book, twitter or other sources of social media and mobile phones also otherwise
this one case can be followed be many multiples.
Imaginary World:
Actually psychology tells us that too much or excessive use
of social is disastrous for our mental health.
when an innocent young bot or a teen ager girl excessively uses face book or
other social media she starts developing a concept of imaginary world in
her,himself.the activities being made on social media greatly effect his life
even they have nothing special to do with the reality.
Addiction is also another havoc and catostrophiic factor
that sticks with the users of social media.a teen ager soon gets addicted by
the social media’s world as he feels that he has complete controle on his life
in this immaginery world but the case in inverse in the real world.
Researches made on social media and its negative effects
tell us hat the boys or girls who have 500 plus friends on F.B or spends more
than 3 hours on it are seen vulnerable in real life but they get the
satisfaction in their virtual world of social media.some times young teenagers
are engaged in virtual relations also through social media but the reciprocal
view of reality effects lively on their life and personality.So when we look
deep into that suicide incidents we come to know that along with the
irresponsible approach of parents of those teenagers social media also has many
things to do with that.
I want to make my writing quite brief and can not cover all
the aspects in detail but still there are many many other dimensions of the
personality of a child which are being fabricated and maligned by the excessive
and uncontrolled use of social media.there are other dimensions like one’s
character, behavior, intelligence, Health, community participation, self
confidence,greater hatred speech, increased social distrust, sexual maturity etc and many many more.
These view graphs narrate the social and psychological situation of teens in a nit shell:
These Two graphical views are showing the generalized pattern and usage of social media over all in the world and its quite convenient to make a guess about the health of our young generation who are using social media without having in mind any of the malicious outcomes by the excessive and unlearned use of this social media.
First of all the parents must has to have keep an open eye
on the activities of their children and their furtive activities’ of Social media.
Parents make themselves the friends of their children. Indulge them in sports
it will generate confidence in them. A parent has to have a security constraint
on the activities of their children on social media. They should make their
children live in the world of reality. By following small steps of responsibility
the bulk of teens can be transformed in a more healthy and practical cum real
world nation.