Monday, 21 September 2015

Immature & Excessive Use of Social Media by Our Teen Agers...!

Welcome readers,
I was thinking from the past many days to write for a topic that could address the mental and moral health of children but I could not find some suitable and important issue to write about.
But few days back I happened to watch some news regarding the mutual suicide of  teen agers and my heart got trembled to know that the wrong use of  social media actually led those teen agers to commit that act. After that I decided to write put forward my part and I selected the issue of wrong use of social media as its really proving havoc for our new generations in different ways.
As we know and psychology tells us that all the habits that a child adopts that are piped lined from some other source child does not learn to perform some thing by its own. he or she learns it from his parents , his peers, school, surrounding environment, locality or from the media or TV channels. so what a child behaves in himself are actually the intake of his learning from others. Parents mostly teaches their children the values and behaviors of life and then children behave accordingly. most of the practices of life of child are directly learnt from the parents as they have sufficient control on his life during his childhood.
Recently in Pakistan a teen age school boy shot himself and his female suspected lover with gun and it gave birth to a mutual suicide. their face book status also showed the matter in quite transparent manner. When I remember about the suicide committed by the two early teen agers in Pakistan then a big question mark arises on the responsibility of their parents firsly and secondly on the social media and its vulnerable material and open usage. As I discussed earlier that a child can not learn how to shot a gun or how to commit suicide by its own. why that person updated his suspicious status on F.B a night before he committed suicide? Was that staus so important for the teenager? we all actually know the answer but still we do not bother to think about this seriously.
So it’s an alarming incident for all the parents to keep a sharp eye on the activities of their children specially their habits of using Face book, twitter or other sources of social media and mobile phones also otherwise this one case can be followed be many multiples.
Imaginary World:
Actually psychology tells us that too much or excessive use of  social is disastrous for our mental health. when an innocent young bot or a teen ager girl excessively uses face book or other social media she starts developing a concept of imaginary world in her,himself.the activities being made on social media greatly effect his life even they have nothing special to do with the reality.
Addiction is also another havoc and catostrophiic factor that sticks with the users of social media.a teen ager soon gets addicted by the social media’s world as he feels that he has complete controle on his life in this immaginery world but the case in inverse in the real world.
Researches made on social media and its negative effects tell us hat the boys or girls who have 500 plus friends on F.B or spends more than 3 hours on it are seen vulnerable in real life but they get the satisfaction in their virtual world of social media.some times young teenagers are engaged in virtual relations also through social media but the reciprocal view of reality effects lively on their life and personality.So when we look deep into that suicide incidents we come to know that along with the irresponsible approach of parents of those teenagers social media also has many things to do with that.
I want to make my writing quite brief and can not cover all the aspects in detail but still there are many many other dimensions of the personality of a child which are being fabricated and maligned by the excessive and uncontrolled use of social media.there are other dimensions like one’s character, behavior, intelligence, Health, community participation, self confidence,greater hatred speech, increased social distrust,  sexual maturity etc and many many more.
These view graphs narrate the social and psychological situation of teens in a nit shell:

These Two graphical views are showing the generalized pattern and usage of social media over all in the world and its quite convenient to make a guess about the health of our young generation who are using social media without having in mind any of the malicious outcomes by the excessive and unlearned use of this social media.

First of all the parents must has to have keep an open eye on the activities of their children and their furtive activities’ of Social media. Parents make themselves the friends of their children. Indulge them in sports it will generate confidence in them. A parent has to have a security constraint on the activities of their children on social media. They should make their children live in the world of reality. By following small steps of responsibility the bulk of teens can be transformed in a more healthy and practical cum real world nation.

Thursday, 30 July 2015

"Say No To Homo Sexual Marriages"....!! An Alarming Harm For Society & Children :( :( :(

Respected Readers welcome Back To my Blog with a new social issue under discussion once again......!!!
1st of all I don’t like to Call the phrase or Term Marriage parallel with the term “same Sex Marriage.”I simply advocate that same sex marriage is not a word as the word “Marriage” is. but it could be said as Same Sex union or Same Gender People in a united bond but they do not posses any relation with the Definition of word “Marriage” in any sense.
Following are some arguments being presented after my research showing the real harms and debacles of this Same Sex Union.
1..It’s Not Marriage At All:
From Medical & psychological point of view the same sex marriage i.e Male Male or Female Female can not be considered as a marriage as its entirely against the essence and purpose of marriage.

Calling something marriage does not make it marriage. Marriage directly demands the given pair to reproduce a new generation and fulfils their all basic needs of fooding,clothing, social support and shelter plus education.
The advocates of same-sex “marriage”always propose an entirely different view.They simply emphasise on the union of two same gender human beings. This denies the self-evident biological, physiological, and psychological differences between men and women which find their complementarity in marriage. It also denies the specific primary purpose of marriage: the perpetuation of the human race and the raising of children.
Two entirely different things cannot be considered the same thing(Marriage Vs Same Sex Union).
2..Openly Defies and Challenges Natural Laws:
I would simply Say that marriage is not a union of two people its always governed by a Beautiful relationship governed by the true and universal principles of nature, the nature is highly deep rooted inside the personality of all human beings irrespective of their gender.
Every natural relationship testifies the mutual well being and is aimed on doing good as maximum and avoid evil also as maximum as possible. And its an immutable law also its the simple and universal principal of nature.
Any relationship of human beings which defy the  purpose of the sexual act violates natural law and the moral values of the sociey also. So this union of same sexes is totally against the nature itself.all the religions on the face of earth either Islam, Christianity, Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism or Zoroastrianism  speak against it and use the term Sodomy for this relation instead of Gay-ism or Lesbianism.
3.. Injustice With Child:
It is in the child’s best interests that he be raised under the influence of his natural father and mother.But the situation is quite different here.

Its quite evident that  a child of a same-sex “marriage” will always be deprived of either his natural mother or father. He will necessarily be raised by one party who has no blood relationship with him. He will always be deprived of either a mother or a father role model, as same sexes can not produce the race by its own.

So:Same-sex “marriage” ignores a child’s best interests.

4.. It Validates and Promotes the Homosexual Lifestyle Only:
In the name of the “family,” same-sex “marriage” serves to validate not only such unions but the whole homosexual lifestyle in all its full swing.
after getting legalized Such evil or so called marriage trends would definitely get a huge hype and showering a catastrophic affect on the society.Simply the legal binding of such trends would give them protection or in other words it would demoralize the real concepts of marriage with its true essence,
5.. It Turns a Moral, Social and Natural Wrong Act  into a Civil Right:

Mostly the Same sex activists mostly advocate that the  same-sex “marriage” is a civil rights issue similar to the struggle for racial equality in the 1960s in the West.
This is false.
First of all, sexual behavior and race are entirely two different natural realities. A man and a woman wanting to marry may be different in their characteristics: one may be black, the other white; one rich, the other poor; or one tall, the other short. None of these differences are insurmountable obstacles to marriage.But Still  The two individuals are still man and woman, and thus the requirements of nature are respected.
Same-sex “marriage” opposes nature. Two individuals of the same sex, regardless of their race, wealth, stature, erudition or fame, will never be able to marry because of an insurmountable biological impossibility.
Secondly, inherited and unchangeable racial traits cannot be compared with non-genetic and changeable behavior. There is simply no analogy between the interracial marriage of a man and a woman and the “marriage” between two individuals of the same sex.
6.. Creation of family Stops here:
Traditional marriage is usually so fecund that those who would frustrate its end must do violence to nature to prevent the birth of children by using contraception. It naturally tends to create families.
On the contrary, same-sex “marriage” is intrinsically sterile. If the “spouses” want a child, they must circumvent nature by costly and artificial means or employ surrogates. The natural tendency of such a union is not to create families.

Therefore, we cannot call a same-sex union marriage and give it the benefits of true marriage.
7.. It Defeats the State’s Purpose of Benefiting Marriage
The main reason that society and state accepts and endorses marriage is that throng this bonding the happy couple amicably brings up the new generation and also helps them in making a productive citizens of the state,but:
Homosexual “marriage” does not provide such conditions.the onle purpose of such relationship is to satisfy the sexual needs of a pair and hoe can they bring up a new generatin with proper attitude and behaviors. 
It ImposesIts Acceptance on All Society
By legalizing same-sex “marriage,” the State becomes its official and active promter
The gove has to apply and provide all the benefits to these types of couples then.
In every situation where marriage affects society, the State will expect Christians or any other religion people and all people of good will to betray their consciences by condoning, through silence or act, an attack on the natural order and Christian morality.

9.. It Is the Cutting Edge of the Sexual Revolution

In the 1960s, society was pressured to accept all kinds of immoral sexual relationships between men and women. Today we are seeing a new sexual revolution where society is being asked to accept sodomy and same-sex “marriage.”If homosexual “marriage” is universally accepted as the present step in sexual “freedom,” what logical arguments can be used to stop the next steps of incest, pedophilia, bestiality, and other forms of unnatural behavior? Indeed, radical elements of certain “avant garde” subcultures are already advocating such aberrations.
10.. It Offends God
This is the most important Reason as for as for as i am concerned.     

I believe whenever any human disturbs or disrupts the moral and natural principles set by our creator Himself, definitely human race becomes the victim of wrath and anger by the Creator. No matter whether some 1 is follower of Monotheism(Muslims) 
or Christianity and knows his religion and religious scriptures, he can testify that the stated concept of marriage has no space in any religion.
For Muslims:
Here is a verse from the holly Quran:
We also (sent) Lut: he said to his people: "Do ye commit lewdness such as no people in creation (ever) committed before you? "For ye practice your lusts on men in preference to women: ye are indeed a people transgressing beyond bounds." - Holy Quran 7:80-81
For Christians:
Here is a verse:
 Genesis also teaches how God punished Sodom and Gomorrah for the sin of homosexuality: The Lord rained down sulphurous fire upon Sodom and Gomorrah. He overthrew those cities and the whole Plain, together with the inhabitants of the cities and the produce of the soil. (Gen. 19:24-25)
Respected Readers: I will further Put in black & White the speific Biological(Medical), Psychological, Behavioral, Social, and Physical Harms of This same Sex Marriage in coming couple of days.You are supposed to read and share for the cause of good of your family and society as a whole.

Monday, 29 June 2015

Doesn't Our Free Media Really need To Justify This False Approach...? Religion,,Ramadan,,Rating,,Race etc.

Welcome readers….!
I want to ask U whether u people are satisfied with the way our media presenting a mixture of Relogion and Showbiz…!!????
It’s both social as well as hot cake topic for business and marketing students plus occupying & spanning the target area of media students.
I Would merely Tell u people a statement made by Dr Amir Liaqat.
Mr Amir says:
"At Christmas there's Santa Claus to give everyone gifts, it's important for Christians. For us Ramadan is a really special time so it's really important to make people happy and reward them." Amir Liaqat Husain, Popular Televangelist and Show Host of Pakistan's GeoTV.
Aamer Liaquat Husain's Many programs like Amaan Ramzan,Ramazan pakiustan and many other TV channel Hosts e.g Mr Sahir Lodhi ,,John Rambo,, Noor,, Javeria and bla bla I don’t know are the highest rated TV shows in Pakistan. These are attravting sponsor-ships and advertisements from successful companies in Pakistan which are willing to pay top dollars for a slice of its viewers' attention and business. These advertisers see the festive Ramadan and Eid season as crucial to boost their annual profits and sales.

Downplaying the commercial success of his show, Aamer Liaquat insists that "it is not commercialization, it is not showbiz. It is real Islam. I am the religious icon of television" according to an AFP report.
Ok now lets come to know about one of these gigantic shows. The show is set in a massive wedding hall at a Karachi hotel. It is bedecked with advertisements for a variety of products competing for space with pictures of camels and palm trees. Its a variety show featuring Islamic quizzes, Quran recitations, cooking, religious songs, and lots of prizes and Iftar dinner for over 500 guests, including hundreds of women and children.
Prizes given away at Geo's Amaan Ramzan show include consumer electronics, motorbikes, microwave ovens, washing machines and refrigerators. But eyebrows were raised around the world last month when Aamer Liaquat gave away an abandoned baby to a grateful childless couple on live TV last year. It was arranged by an NGO which insists that it followed the law. Critics called it a "publicity stunt" to boost show ratings.                          

Ok now let’s analyse the above grapth:

Television ads capture 56% of total advertising revenue in Pakistan. TV ad revenue for 2011-12 added up to Rs. 21.6 billion (US $210 million), up 16% from the prior year, according to Dawn's advertising Aurora magazine.Since 1990, Pakistan's middle class had expanded by 36.5% and India's by only 12.8%, according to an ADB report titled "Asia's Emerging Middle Class: Past, Present And Future". Consumer spending in Pakistan has increased at a 26 percent average pace the past three years, compared with 7.7 percent for Asia, according to Bloomberg.


I would simply confess that it’s a good marketing approach to increase your rating and get the brunch of your sponsorship but…….its quite unethical and false to tie all these personal diversification efforts in the clothes of Ramazan and Religion.
If its true for the sake of arguments then why all these trends are only followed in Ramazan or on the eves of Eids only? Private channels have right to earn by all above means but atleat do not hurt the assense of our religion which is truly based on self and then social improvement by practical approach but merely by spending millions on the decoration of stages only.these things will not bring any thing beneficial for our society.

Friday, 19 June 2015

Ramazaz,,,Science,,,Religion,,,Me(a Human)

We believe that he month of Ramadan is a period of fasting, sacrifice, giving, piousness and self-training with the hope that these qualities will extend beyond this month and stay with us throughout the year. Indeed, the essence of fasting in Ramadan is spiritual. Nevertheless, this holy month also offers a number of benefits for both the mind and body.
My Beloved Prophet Mohammad(S.A.W.W) said, “soomo wa tsahhoo”, which can be translated to mean, “Fast and be healthy.” Even science has proven that Ramadan is a month full of blessings. The International Congress on “Health and Ramadan” which was held in Casablanca(MOROCO,AFRICA) in 1994, covered 50 studies on the medical ethics of Ramadan and noted various improvements in the health conditions of those who fast.If any negative effects were seen at all, it was in those who over-indulge in food at iftar or do not sleep well at night. You should also keep in mind that if fasting will be dangerous to your health, such as in Type 1 Diabetics, you are not recommended to fast as your medical condition may worsen.(in Some cases,get it recommended by physician otherwise Religion provides us with alternatives of fast) :)
For those of you who can fast, read on to learn about some of the incredible health benefits of fasting on our overall well-being.
Provides tranquility of the heart and mind
There is intense spiritual meaning to Ramadan for those who fast. Muslims practice generosity by being charitable, family-bonding by gathering around the iftar table, spirituality by praying, and self-control by practicing good manners.
All these habits build a feeling of peace, tranquility and self-satisfaction.

Improves your blood fat levels
A study conducted in 1997 in the Annals of Nutrition Metabolism demonstrated that fasting lowered bad “LDL” cholesterol levels by 8 percent, triglyceride by 30 percent, and increased good “HDL” levels by 14.3 percent thereby protecting your heart from cardiovascular disease

This can be explained by our eating and exercise habits. In Ramadan, people tend to go for healthier options such as dates, nuts, lentil soup, and home cooked meals. Studies have noted that overall saturated fat consumption, usually found in butter, lard, fatty meat, and fast food, is reduced in Ramadan. In addition, the night prayers of "TARAWEEH" may provide an adequate level of physical activity equivalent to moderate physical activity which, for some, may be more than they usually exercise,and definately it is for a generation we are.

May help you overcome addictions

Addictions can come in all shapes and forms and Ramadan provides an excellent opportunity to ditch them. Because Ramadan teaches you self-restraint for most of the day, you will come to realize that forgoing your addiction all together may not be has hard as you think!
Choose one addiction to drop this Ramada. It could be an addiction to smoking, lying, energu drinks, or even gossiping and say your good-byes.

Promotes fat breakdown and weight loss

Calorie consumption is overall decreased in Ramadan. Of course if you’re binge-eating on Arabic sweets that’s not going to happen. However, if you maintain your usual eating habits, you are very likely to eat less amounts of food and lose weight. This is especially true in Ramadan, when your source of Energy during your fast is mainly fat. Trying to stay lightly active during the day can promote even more fat break-down.

Ramadan may be the perfect opportunity to re-train yourself and get back on track of eating healthy. When you fast, you learn to control your cravings. As a result, by the end of Ramadan you’ll have stronger will-power and you will have re-gained the strength to say no to tempting food.
Every one have a happy,Healthy and Serene Ramazan :)

Thursday, 11 June 2015

Stop this Brutal Massacre on Burmese Muslims...! Dears Don't Commit The Crime Of Silence.

Burma has a population 75 million with the Muslim population being just 0.7 million(7 lacks). The Burmese Muslims have been under this atrocity right after 1962 when the Army usurped the power in Burma.But sptill 2012 these incidents kept on happeninh but din't take so much air.
Finally it all started on 3rd June 2012 when 11 innocent Muslims were killed by the Burmese Army and the Buddhist mobs after bringing them down from a bus. A vehement protest was carried out in the Muslim majority province of Arakan, but the Protestants fell victims to the tyranny of the mobs and the army.
Trying to getting escaped from capturing and an imminent on sight killin the helpless Burmese Muslims rushed  to the Bangladeshi border, but all they met was a straight refusal. The Government of Bangladesh refused to offer them asylum.
Over 500 Muslim villages have been incinerated and fallen down to ashes till today. Thousands have been brutally exploited. The persecution of the Burmese Muslims at the hands of the Buddhist mobs is at its full swing. Yet all the human rights organizations have maintained a criminal silence up till now. Has the Muslim world become so callous that they remain undeterred by such genocide? 
This is not a new thing or an unprecedented massacre. Muslims have been a subject to such hostility even before. If we go through the pages of history we come to the very tenable conclusion that Muslims were always on the suffering side. Islam is a religion of peace and
harmony. It doesn’t allow its followers to lay-waste any other tenet. This leaves behind a big question mark. Why are the followers of such a peaceful religion being oppressed from time to time? 
The fear stricken faces of the poor Burmese Muslims really cuts one apart. The glimpse of their bruised bodies is a heart rending spectacle. Where is the UN now? Why isn’t the International media highlighting this issue? Why are the competitive authorities of the
Muslim world procrastinating?
Stop killing the Burmese Muslims. JI did a meritorious job by staging rallies against this brutality. The government of Pakistan should raise a voice in favor of the poor Burmese Muslims at the international forum. The whole Muslim world should join hands to get
the poor Burmese out of their distress and misery. 
In addition to launching into a tirade against the killings, something should be done on the ground. If we don’t help out our brothers there then we are equally responsible for their bloodshed. We won’t be able to satisfy our conscience, and the abrasive cries of the Burmese Muslims will keep on pinching us throughout our lives.But still a simply slap of shame for you ms President.

Friday, 22 May 2015

Real Conept Of Success and Failure....!lets Read

We often think about these two reciprocal concepts of success and failure simultaneously….
As for as my view is concerned Success, according to me, is one of the most vague concept to define in a clear way.if we read in history the examples of king Robert or the Gr8 thomas Edison we see that if Thomas had not made 1001 attempts he  wouldn’t have been in out world now,as he succeeded in his 1001th attempt.sooo the point to note here is that his 1000 attempts for a light Bulb were not useless they were followed by one last attempt and he became the Gr8 Edison.(just because of 1 attempt???point to think….!)
 Does Wealth Justifies Success???
I simply say nooooo….!its not the case actually..
When you say that more people are poor than rich, you ignore the fact that a lot of those rich people are unhappy in life, and a lot of those poor ones are much more satisfied. If success had been all that life is about, all the so-called "successful people" in this world should have been in love with their life. Clearly, that is not the case. Don't believe me? Check this out: List of suicides from Wikipedia.
What is life Actually???
Life is like a palette of colours—lets suppose I like the blues, the reds, the yellows, the black and the white; but I don’t like the greens and the greys. Yet, I cannot get rid of them, simply because that is how the palette gets completed. When I sit down in the evening and see the sky,I see blue and Grey colours,the meadoes and nature always looks awesome in green so every thing in basically meant for a reason.the palette is incomplete without all colours,so accept the things that you do not like in your life.
Life is Always Followed by Phases(ups and Downs) my dearzzz… J
Fact is, most of the successful couples of the present have gone through extremely difficult phases in the past, most of those who are loved by many today have had to face a lot of hatred from others in the past (and probably still do), most of the hotshot entrepreneurs of today have in the past been kicked out of offices and told on their face that they can never do anything in life.
Observe life of a poet:
As much as I want to stick with the blues and the reds and yellows, life will ensure that I am forced to hold the greys and the greens too. That is nature. Poets have long sung about storms being followed by rainbows and nights by mornings. Those metaphors aren't just meant to embellish writings, they speak a lot about life. It is a continuous process, and every process has its phases.
So yes:
•The heart-broken ones? They are just going through a phase in life, just as the happy couples once had to.
•The failed doctors and entrepreneurs? That's a phase too, just as the successful business tycoons had to go through.
•The criminals? They have entered a phase they wouldn't have entered, had they not let their conscience get defeated at the hands of the previous phases.
My Conclusion:
Phases are followed by phases and they are preceded by phases.The next phase is decided by the way we deal with the current one. Had Edison given up on the 10000th attempt, he would have never been able to see the "light of the day" (quite literally). Forget Edison. Every poor man of the present needs to continue working and trying to reduce the poorness of his life—be it poorness of wealth, health, happiness, love... anything.
Life isn't suffering. Life is struggle. And it's such a dynamic process that one simply cannot afford to stall. Success and failure come to all of us in different proportions, we have to make sure that neither gets into our head. A river that is impure needs to continue flowing, lest it foregoes the chance of meeting purer waters later on. A river that is full of life needs to continue flowing, lest its waters may soon begin rotting.

Most of us are designed to fail—initially. We need to see failure as a lesson in order to grow as an individual. Failures are the greys and the greens of my life whose importance I shall realize only when I am able to use the experience gained with them in painting with other colors.

Saturday, 16 May 2015

Do u know we are not healthy....!lets improve our health from today. :)

As for as I have observed I come to know that every 3rd person in generally in this somehow developed world and particularly in south asian countries i.e Pakistan is directly or indirectly is a victum of poor malhealth.
The main and formost reason in my view regarding this issue is unhealthy diet and poor, pitiable so called professional and official life style.
Ok lets not discuss the –ves,have a leap on positive and productive steps whether how can we increase our own health and fitness….!
Few important factors are mentioned below:carefully read and act accordingly dear viewers.
          Your Food:
The best food for humans would be vegetarian food. If you eat green vegetables and fruits your digestive system readily accepts it, and it easily gets digested. There are many advantages in eating vegetables. Your blood becomes purified, your skin becomes really healthy. You start feeling fresh and your immune system improves. This to say your vision improves and a lot of other advantages.

Drink Drink & Drink:
Drink a lot of water everyday. For an average human being it should be 2.5 to 3 liters on a hot day. It helps in dealing with constipation and helps in digesting your food. Most of us even don’t use 50% of medically recommended scale.

No No No,,,Junk Food:
Avoid eating junk food as much as possible.It is very difficult to avoid it but whenever you feel like eating junk just grab a fruit and eat it.Junk food neither gives you energy nor provides necessary components.


Yes….Exercise Time Man:
Perform any type of workout activity  such as walking, cycling, yoga, martial arts etc. Your body needs movement otherwise it becomes dull and slow. Obesity is the main reason for many diseases so wake up right now and start giving your body some sort of strain before its too late!

Keep yourself clean.

 Being clean makes us feel different. Keep your body clean inside and outside. Keep your surroundings clean. You won't suffer from diseases if your surroundings are clean. Contagious diseases may spread through unclean surrounding. Make sure that your vicinity is not littered. A clean surrounding helps us in focusing on our work better and creates a positive environment.

Sunday, 10 May 2015

Let's Know The Brief History Of Mother's Day...!

Like many traditions and festivities,The Mother’s day also said as  Mothering Sunday began with a religious purpose not as a social tenet.In the European and the Christian world it is  Held on the fourth Sunday in May, exactly three weeks before Easter Sunday, it was a originally a day to honour and give thanks to the Virgin Mary(R.A), also known as Mother Mary. Such celebrations required people to visit their 'mother' church(for Christen) - the main church or cathedral in a family's area. The spread of Christianity throughout Europe in the 16th century increased the celebrations and firmly put Mothering Sunday on the calendar. It was believed to be essential for people to return to their home 'mother' church to make it a true family honoured occasion. The gatherings reunited families and gave children who worked as domestic servants, or as apprentices away from home (from as early as ten years old), the opportunity to have the day off to join their family and see their mother.

Throughout the year in U.K i.e  England and Ireland people would regularly and devoutly visit their nearest chapel, their 'daughter' church, whereas on Mothering Sunday, as well as baptisms, people would visit their 'mother' church loaded with offerings of thanks. Such celebrations were similar to, and most likely adopted, the Roman ceremonies of the Mother Goddess. The religious day increased its scope from thanking Mother Mary to a 'mother' church celebration and finally opened up as an occasion to thank and appreciate all mothers; thus creating Mothering Sunday.
Whilst the day had a firm following for many centuries since the 16th century, by 1935 it started to decrease in popularity and was celebrated less and less in Europe, until WWII. The Americans and Canadians celebrated Mother's Day during the war, feeling a crucial need to give thanks to their mothers whilst away at war. The Brits and other Europeans followed their comrades and they too gave thanks to their mothers; since then it earns pride of place on the UK calendar.
As for as the religious back ground of Islam is concerned there is highest honour paid to mothers even 3 times greater than the father but there is not any grounded concept of celebrating this day as a practice.