Saturday, 16 May 2015

Do u know we are not healthy....!lets improve our health from today. :)

As for as I have observed I come to know that every 3rd person in generally in this somehow developed world and particularly in south asian countries i.e Pakistan is directly or indirectly is a victum of poor malhealth.
The main and formost reason in my view regarding this issue is unhealthy diet and poor, pitiable so called professional and official life style.
Ok lets not discuss the –ves,have a leap on positive and productive steps whether how can we increase our own health and fitness….!
Few important factors are mentioned below:carefully read and act accordingly dear viewers.
          Your Food:
The best food for humans would be vegetarian food. If you eat green vegetables and fruits your digestive system readily accepts it, and it easily gets digested. There are many advantages in eating vegetables. Your blood becomes purified, your skin becomes really healthy. You start feeling fresh and your immune system improves. This to say your vision improves and a lot of other advantages.

Drink Drink & Drink:
Drink a lot of water everyday. For an average human being it should be 2.5 to 3 liters on a hot day. It helps in dealing with constipation and helps in digesting your food. Most of us even don’t use 50% of medically recommended scale.

No No No,,,Junk Food:
Avoid eating junk food as much as possible.It is very difficult to avoid it but whenever you feel like eating junk just grab a fruit and eat it.Junk food neither gives you energy nor provides necessary components.


Yes….Exercise Time Man:
Perform any type of workout activity  such as walking, cycling, yoga, martial arts etc. Your body needs movement otherwise it becomes dull and slow. Obesity is the main reason for many diseases so wake up right now and start giving your body some sort of strain before its too late!

Keep yourself clean.

 Being clean makes us feel different. Keep your body clean inside and outside. Keep your surroundings clean. You won't suffer from diseases if your surroundings are clean. Contagious diseases may spread through unclean surrounding. Make sure that your vicinity is not littered. A clean surrounding helps us in focusing on our work better and creates a positive environment.


  1. always health and martial arts.good

  2. Really Helpful for All People Specially for me

    1. if that is helpful it means its serving its purpose :)

  3. No No No......Junk food , Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeee! .......... hey bhai...... burger double ande wala aur mayo extra :D

    1. lol...!But health is wealth in real sense :)

  4. Really Health is real wealth
