Friday, 22 May 2015

Real Conept Of Success and Failure....!lets Read

We often think about these two reciprocal concepts of success and failure simultaneously….
As for as my view is concerned Success, according to me, is one of the most vague concept to define in a clear way.if we read in history the examples of king Robert or the Gr8 thomas Edison we see that if Thomas had not made 1001 attempts he  wouldn’t have been in out world now,as he succeeded in his 1001th attempt.sooo the point to note here is that his 1000 attempts for a light Bulb were not useless they were followed by one last attempt and he became the Gr8 Edison.(just because of 1 attempt???point to think….!)
 Does Wealth Justifies Success???
I simply say nooooo….!its not the case actually..
When you say that more people are poor than rich, you ignore the fact that a lot of those rich people are unhappy in life, and a lot of those poor ones are much more satisfied. If success had been all that life is about, all the so-called "successful people" in this world should have been in love with their life. Clearly, that is not the case. Don't believe me? Check this out: List of suicides from Wikipedia.
What is life Actually???
Life is like a palette of colours—lets suppose I like the blues, the reds, the yellows, the black and the white; but I don’t like the greens and the greys. Yet, I cannot get rid of them, simply because that is how the palette gets completed. When I sit down in the evening and see the sky,I see blue and Grey colours,the meadoes and nature always looks awesome in green so every thing in basically meant for a reason.the palette is incomplete without all colours,so accept the things that you do not like in your life.
Life is Always Followed by Phases(ups and Downs) my dearzzz… J
Fact is, most of the successful couples of the present have gone through extremely difficult phases in the past, most of those who are loved by many today have had to face a lot of hatred from others in the past (and probably still do), most of the hotshot entrepreneurs of today have in the past been kicked out of offices and told on their face that they can never do anything in life.
Observe life of a poet:
As much as I want to stick with the blues and the reds and yellows, life will ensure that I am forced to hold the greys and the greens too. That is nature. Poets have long sung about storms being followed by rainbows and nights by mornings. Those metaphors aren't just meant to embellish writings, they speak a lot about life. It is a continuous process, and every process has its phases.
So yes:
•The heart-broken ones? They are just going through a phase in life, just as the happy couples once had to.
•The failed doctors and entrepreneurs? That's a phase too, just as the successful business tycoons had to go through.
•The criminals? They have entered a phase they wouldn't have entered, had they not let their conscience get defeated at the hands of the previous phases.
My Conclusion:
Phases are followed by phases and they are preceded by phases.The next phase is decided by the way we deal with the current one. Had Edison given up on the 10000th attempt, he would have never been able to see the "light of the day" (quite literally). Forget Edison. Every poor man of the present needs to continue working and trying to reduce the poorness of his life—be it poorness of wealth, health, happiness, love... anything.
Life isn't suffering. Life is struggle. And it's such a dynamic process that one simply cannot afford to stall. Success and failure come to all of us in different proportions, we have to make sure that neither gets into our head. A river that is impure needs to continue flowing, lest it foregoes the chance of meeting purer waters later on. A river that is full of life needs to continue flowing, lest its waters may soon begin rotting.

Most of us are designed to fail—initially. We need to see failure as a lesson in order to grow as an individual. Failures are the greys and the greens of my life whose importance I shall realize only when I am able to use the experience gained with them in painting with other colors.

Saturday, 16 May 2015

Do u know we are not healthy....!lets improve our health from today. :)

As for as I have observed I come to know that every 3rd person in generally in this somehow developed world and particularly in south asian countries i.e Pakistan is directly or indirectly is a victum of poor malhealth.
The main and formost reason in my view regarding this issue is unhealthy diet and poor, pitiable so called professional and official life style.
Ok lets not discuss the –ves,have a leap on positive and productive steps whether how can we increase our own health and fitness….!
Few important factors are mentioned below:carefully read and act accordingly dear viewers.
          Your Food:
The best food for humans would be vegetarian food. If you eat green vegetables and fruits your digestive system readily accepts it, and it easily gets digested. There are many advantages in eating vegetables. Your blood becomes purified, your skin becomes really healthy. You start feeling fresh and your immune system improves. This to say your vision improves and a lot of other advantages.

Drink Drink & Drink:
Drink a lot of water everyday. For an average human being it should be 2.5 to 3 liters on a hot day. It helps in dealing with constipation and helps in digesting your food. Most of us even don’t use 50% of medically recommended scale.

No No No,,,Junk Food:
Avoid eating junk food as much as possible.It is very difficult to avoid it but whenever you feel like eating junk just grab a fruit and eat it.Junk food neither gives you energy nor provides necessary components.


Yes….Exercise Time Man:
Perform any type of workout activity  such as walking, cycling, yoga, martial arts etc. Your body needs movement otherwise it becomes dull and slow. Obesity is the main reason for many diseases so wake up right now and start giving your body some sort of strain before its too late!

Keep yourself clean.

 Being clean makes us feel different. Keep your body clean inside and outside. Keep your surroundings clean. You won't suffer from diseases if your surroundings are clean. Contagious diseases may spread through unclean surrounding. Make sure that your vicinity is not littered. A clean surrounding helps us in focusing on our work better and creates a positive environment.

Sunday, 10 May 2015

Let's Know The Brief History Of Mother's Day...!

Like many traditions and festivities,The Mother’s day also said as  Mothering Sunday began with a religious purpose not as a social tenet.In the European and the Christian world it is  Held on the fourth Sunday in May, exactly three weeks before Easter Sunday, it was a originally a day to honour and give thanks to the Virgin Mary(R.A), also known as Mother Mary. Such celebrations required people to visit their 'mother' church(for Christen) - the main church or cathedral in a family's area. The spread of Christianity throughout Europe in the 16th century increased the celebrations and firmly put Mothering Sunday on the calendar. It was believed to be essential for people to return to their home 'mother' church to make it a true family honoured occasion. The gatherings reunited families and gave children who worked as domestic servants, or as apprentices away from home (from as early as ten years old), the opportunity to have the day off to join their family and see their mother.

Throughout the year in U.K i.e  England and Ireland people would regularly and devoutly visit their nearest chapel, their 'daughter' church, whereas on Mothering Sunday, as well as baptisms, people would visit their 'mother' church loaded with offerings of thanks. Such celebrations were similar to, and most likely adopted, the Roman ceremonies of the Mother Goddess. The religious day increased its scope from thanking Mother Mary to a 'mother' church celebration and finally opened up as an occasion to thank and appreciate all mothers; thus creating Mothering Sunday.
Whilst the day had a firm following for many centuries since the 16th century, by 1935 it started to decrease in popularity and was celebrated less and less in Europe, until WWII. The Americans and Canadians celebrated Mother's Day during the war, feeling a crucial need to give thanks to their mothers whilst away at war. The Brits and other Europeans followed their comrades and they too gave thanks to their mothers; since then it earns pride of place on the UK calendar.
As for as the religious back ground of Islam is concerned there is highest honour paid to mothers even 3 times greater than the father but there is not any grounded concept of celebrating this day as a practice.

Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Lack Of Career Counseling (Key Problem Of Students)

Student life is full of charm and enjoy and everyone who is in practical life always seems missing his/her student life. But the student life also has challenges and problems of its own. The students of developing countries like Pakistan have lots of problems, such as financial problems, poor transportation system, language barrier, incompetent teachers and many more.
One of the problems faced by students is that usually they are not free to choose study programmes of their own choice. Parents normally impose upon them a field of study which may not be suitable for the child or which he doesn’t feel comfortable with to study. This is a very common problem of our society. A student may want to be a journalist or a photographer but his parents may select engineering for him. So when he gets admission to the engineering college, he does not perform well. He then starts to feel that he is not fit for the field.
Parents should think about it and stop imposing study programmes on their children. They should only inform them about the scope and problems of every field, and let them choose a study programme.Students when pass their matriculation examinations they face too much confusion about the selection of their further studies. They don’t know which one study area is best for them. Most of the students don’t know the different areas of study rather than Engineering and Medical due to lack of the counseling. They got admission in these sequences and didn’t have enough marks because it was not their interest area. So they can’t get admission in medical or engineering colleges. At that time they are very upset and thinking of their career.The need for career guidance and counseling in Pakistan has grown significantly during last few years especially for school and colleges students. This is because of the following factors:
First, rapid changes in technology, and lack of skills and resources in our students to cope with these changes.
Second, lack of informed, relevant and clear guidance.
Third, lack of trained teachers and counselors in career guidance in our schools and colleges.
Career guidance and counseling services need could only be filled if school educate and train their teachers in the use of career guidance and counseling tools and techniques. And adopt a comprehensive career guidance model.
As it is said by William Shakespeare “I wasted time, and now doth time waste me.”
So I believe that students at middle or higher level should be provided with the guidance about career identification and selection of field of specialization within that career by connecting their resources so they got maximum output out of it and their field of interest by taking ability tests and personality assessment so they will be guided properly for a bright future of individuals and nations and with the freedom to choose their field but with the proper guidance. 

Tuesday, 5 May 2015

The Only Relation Friendship, Never Dies :) :) :) Friends Like U are Rare And Few.

I wish that I could explain to you how much you mean to me. I was a completely different person before we met. I was quiet, shy, never fully trusting another person. You’ve shown me that it’s ok to be who I am, and that the people who really love me won’t think any less of me for it.
I wish I could tell you how much I own this brotherly relation with you. But there just are not words, are there? The friendship we have is the kind that only comes along once in a lifetime or atleast in ISB. The kind where we can know what the other thinks and feels without saying a word. You friendship means everything to me- as the concept of Dosti is concerned and there really isn’t another way to put it.
I wish you nothing but the best in your new life. It breaks my heart knowing that I won’t see you every day. I genuinely hope that you find all the happiness you deserve.
If I try to remember or have a glance of past days,I still can clearly remember that how did you put forward your efforts on daily basis to call me back when I had a quit here and went back to home additionaly i also had an emotional catastrophe due to some absurd relation and it was only you and not other than you who embraced me and offered your time,your energy,your experience and your wishes to me in order to make me come back.
if I simply say that it was only you who could recognize me well then I think it would be 2nd to no fact.i will always remember your poetry,your beaytiful singings,your great and timely mimics and above all I will miss your latest poem you just wrote for me on my…..
I have nothing to offer you currently but its my promise with my own self  that when I will be able to and I.A I will be,I will eagerly love to pay you back for all those beautiful deeds.i know these are not some credits but I want to do some thing special as you did for me.
May you get success by leaps and bounds.and good bye from my side my dearest friend in ISB,Syed Ahtasham Hussain Shah.
Your Foolish Friend.

Friday, 1 May 2015

A Helping Hand...As Worthy As a life Some Times.

Dear readers As we are all human beings and induction of problems and complex situations is common in our life,specially when you are a student and living as a hosteled one.
This problem actually severs  when some one gets entangled in such a situation when he becomes unable to transform his views before his other fellows.There can be a number of reasons for  that like if he is a new student he may not trust every one new to him,he may be afraid of geting exploited,there can be some form of trust deficit and foremost the new and alien environment is the key reason for not sharing his problems.
but still there are many angle nature d persons you find at every new place.i believe this world is still going on because of these types of people.such people can be simply recognized because of their self sacrificing habits.simply saying such true nature d people gradually attract your trust and for the sake of your good only.i remember once i read Aristotle's famous saying that sincere friends are those who desire the good of their friends the the sake of friend's good.
when you are new in an environment or alien to that,your survival and fitness to that new environment is the biggest question mark try to hide and hide all the experiences you happen to face and do not dare to share with any one.Actually b y doing this you as a student can be detracted easily.simply your depression and fear can be felt from your face because you are alien to that environment but not every body.if you some how try to overcome that depression then you may be a strong and emotionally stable person but what to do if you fail to overcome that situation...?you know you should try to keep yourself in touch with the people whom you have your trust,to whom you could share your feelings and emotions.those people can be your parents,your elder brother,your child hood friend or a cousin etc.but if you find no body there with you at the place in case you are hosteled then try to find that angle natured person who is always available in every environment.i firmly believe where there are pack of evils the dots of virtues are also there near by.
Try to find a fried that is worth trustworthy to whom you could share your emotional and institutional problems.i assure you,you will definitely find him/her. :)
Some times his honest opinions and suggestions can work as antidote for you.some times you just need to have a little push and a helping hand on your shoulder.he just gives you that helping hand :).