Tuesday, 5 May 2015

The Only Relation Friendship, Never Dies :) :) :) Friends Like U are Rare And Few.

I wish that I could explain to you how much you mean to me. I was a completely different person before we met. I was quiet, shy, never fully trusting another person. You’ve shown me that it’s ok to be who I am, and that the people who really love me won’t think any less of me for it.
I wish I could tell you how much I own this brotherly relation with you. But there just are not words, are there? The friendship we have is the kind that only comes along once in a lifetime or atleast in ISB. The kind where we can know what the other thinks and feels without saying a word. You friendship means everything to me- as the concept of Dosti is concerned and there really isn’t another way to put it.
I wish you nothing but the best in your new life. It breaks my heart knowing that I won’t see you every day. I genuinely hope that you find all the happiness you deserve.
If I try to remember or have a glance of past days,I still can clearly remember that how did you put forward your efforts on daily basis to call me back when I had a quit here and went back to home additionaly i also had an emotional catastrophe due to some absurd relation and it was only you and not other than you who embraced me and offered your time,your energy,your experience and your wishes to me in order to make me come back.
if I simply say that it was only you who could recognize me well then I think it would be 2nd to no fact.i will always remember your poetry,your beaytiful singings,your great and timely mimics and above all I will miss your latest poem you just wrote for me on my…..
I have nothing to offer you currently but its my promise with my own self  that when I will be able to and I.A I will be,I will eagerly love to pay you back for all those beautiful deeds.i know these are not some credits but I want to do some thing special as you did for me.
May you get success by leaps and bounds.and good bye from my side my dearest friend in ISB,Syed Ahtasham Hussain Shah.
Your Foolish Friend.

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