Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Lack Of Career Counseling (Key Problem Of Students)

Student life is full of charm and enjoy and everyone who is in practical life always seems missing his/her student life. But the student life also has challenges and problems of its own. The students of developing countries like Pakistan have lots of problems, such as financial problems, poor transportation system, language barrier, incompetent teachers and many more.
One of the problems faced by students is that usually they are not free to choose study programmes of their own choice. Parents normally impose upon them a field of study which may not be suitable for the child or which he doesn’t feel comfortable with to study. This is a very common problem of our society. A student may want to be a journalist or a photographer but his parents may select engineering for him. So when he gets admission to the engineering college, he does not perform well. He then starts to feel that he is not fit for the field.
Parents should think about it and stop imposing study programmes on their children. They should only inform them about the scope and problems of every field, and let them choose a study programme.Students when pass their matriculation examinations they face too much confusion about the selection of their further studies. They don’t know which one study area is best for them. Most of the students don’t know the different areas of study rather than Engineering and Medical due to lack of the counseling. They got admission in these sequences and didn’t have enough marks because it was not their interest area. So they can’t get admission in medical or engineering colleges. At that time they are very upset and thinking of their career.The need for career guidance and counseling in Pakistan has grown significantly during last few years especially for school and colleges students. This is because of the following factors:
First, rapid changes in technology, and lack of skills and resources in our students to cope with these changes.
Second, lack of informed, relevant and clear guidance.
Third, lack of trained teachers and counselors in career guidance in our schools and colleges.
Career guidance and counseling services need could only be filled if school educate and train their teachers in the use of career guidance and counseling tools and techniques. And adopt a comprehensive career guidance model.
As it is said by William Shakespeare “I wasted time, and now doth time waste me.”
So I believe that students at middle or higher level should be provided with the guidance about career identification and selection of field of specialization within that career by connecting their resources so they got maximum output out of it and their field of interest by taking ability tests and personality assessment so they will be guided properly for a bright future of individuals and nations and with the freedom to choose their field but with the proper guidance. 


  1. i aree with u much in this

  2. good one.very relevent and realistic approach.i like this bcz its missing in such a society specially a country alike pakistan

  3. Bro this topic is verily depicting the real problem of our society sprcially in 3rd world country like pakistan..
