Dear readers As we are all human beings and induction of problems and complex situations is common in our life,specially when you are a student and living as a hosteled one.
This problem actually severs when some one gets entangled in such a situation when he becomes unable to transform his views before his other fellows.There can be a number of reasons for that like if he is a new student he may not trust every one new to him,he may be afraid of geting exploited,there can be some form of trust deficit and foremost the new and alien environment is the key reason for not sharing his problems.
but still there are many angle nature d persons you find at every new place.i believe this world is still going on because of these types of people.such people can be simply recognized because of their self sacrificing habits.simply saying such true nature d people gradually attract your trust and for the sake of your good only.i remember once i read Aristotle's famous saying that sincere friends are those who desire the good of their friends the the sake of friend's good.
when you are new in an environment or alien to that,your survival and fitness to that new environment is the biggest question mark try to hide and hide all the experiences you happen to face and do not dare to share with any one.Actually b y doing this you as a student can be detracted easily.simply your depression and fear can be felt from your face because you are alien to that environment but not every body.if you some how try to overcome that depression then you may be a strong and emotionally stable person but what to do if you fail to overcome that situation...?you know you should try to keep yourself in touch with the people whom you have your trust,to whom you could share your feelings and emotions.those people can be your parents,your elder brother,your child hood friend or a cousin etc.but if you find no body there with you at the place in case you are hosteled then try to find that angle natured person who is always available in every environment.i firmly believe where there are pack of evils the dots of virtues are also there near by.
Try to find a fried that is worth trustworthy to whom you could share your emotional and institutional problems.i assure you,you will definitely find him/her. :)
Some times his honest opinions and suggestions can work as antidote for you.some times you just need to have a little push and a helping hand on your shoulder.he just gives you that helping hand :).
very nice and humble approach